Led by Harbhajan Singh, a legendary former Indian cricketer, this High Performance Program has been thriving for the past three years. It has hosted renowned cricketers such as Mohammad Azharuddin, Imran Tahir, Lal Chand Rajpoot, S Sreesanth, and Yuvraj Singh. The sessions encompass:
1. Game Awareness
2. Competitive Scenarios
3. Leadership Development
4. Individual Skill Enhancement for Batting and Bowling
5. Fielding Techniques
6. Strength and Conditioning with Ashish Borker
7. Self-Reflection Practices
8. Speed and Agility Drills
9. Endurance Building
10. Low-Impact Cardio
11. Bowler Rehabilitation Exercises
12. Recovery Strategies
13. Injury Prevention
14. Nutrition Guidance
15. Sports Psychology
16. Sessions on Anti-Corruption, Anti-Racism, and Anti-Doping
17. Centre Wicket Training
18. Comprehensive Reports on Matches and Training
19. Playing Competitive Cricket and Representing Various Clubs Globally
20. Completion of the Coaching Program at All Levels with Ajman Cricket Council for Elders
21. Videography of Each Participant
22. Signed Merchandise by Harbhajan Singh
23. Digital Certificate Signed by the Legendary Player